Is my child contemplating suicide?
Is my child contemplating suicide?
Part of my training to become a Lay counselor involved suicide prevention. As a a lay counselor our policy was to notice the signs, stabilize the situation, and get immediate help from a more experienced source. The largest part is recognizing the signs given by those thinking of suicide.
8 out of 10 people who kill themselves give definite signs to their intentions. I am going to share those sign with you, give you some facts, and possible resources if you notice these signs in your children.
Facts about Suicide
8 out of 10 give signs. All threats must be taken seriously.
Most suicidal people are undecided about living or dying. They gamble with death leaving it to others to save them.
Individuals who want to kill themselves are suicidal for only a limited time. If saved from self-destruction they can go on to lead useful lives.
Most suicides occur within three months following the beginning of improvement. They now have the energy to put morbid thoughts into action.
Suicide affects the rich, poor, and middle class.
Suicide does not run in families. However a suicide does have severe affects on other family members.
Suicide notes usually indicate that although the person is extremely unhappy, he is not necessarily mentally ill. The overpowering unhappiness may result from a temporary emotional upset, long and painful illness, or complete loss of hope.
Warning Signs
Suicide Threats
Statements revealing a desire to die
Previous suicide attempts
Sudden changes in behavior (withdrawal, apathy, moodiness)
Depression (crying, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, hapless, helpless, hopeless)
Final arrangements (such as giving away personal possessions, making a will)
Tendency towards isolation
What to Do
Discuss it openly and frankly
Show interest and support
Get professional help
Where to get help
Crisis Information Center (205-323-7777 if in Birmingham, check listing for your local area)
Suicide Prevention Centers
Crisis Intervention Centers
Mental Health Clinics
Social Services
Family Doctors, Clergy, Psychologist, Psychiatrist
The most startling Statistic that I have found is that
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24 year olds.
As a fellow parent, I implore you to never take chances when you notice any of the warning signs. Especially if they joke: about suicide or their own deaths. It is better to take seriously and find out it really was a joke, than to take lightly and find out is was serious.
I overheard a little boy in the second grade make an off handed comment about another little boy wanting to kill himself. All children present were laughing. I called the teacher of both little boys and told her so she could talk with both boys and their parents. Come to find out the second little boy had no idea what suicide was. This was just something he said when he got mad. I was relieved to find out he wasn't seriously talking of taking his own life, but I did what I thought needed to be done. Both boys now know how serious and disturbing it is to talk about this so casually. I want to encourage ANYONE who hears someone, anyone talking about suicide to contact a parent, teacher, pastor, or adult and never fear embarrassment.
9:55 PM
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