Have you ever noticed, with the exception of identical twins, that no two chldren look exactly alike? Are you aware that even in identical twins, the fingerprints differ? Personality is another chractreistc that is unique to each child. I created this blog to explore those differneces and to help parents learn how to relate with each child in the most effective way.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Young People dropping out of church.

A recent artice in Agape Press talks about young people going to college and dropping out of the church.

In 2002, the SBC's Council on Family Life reported that roughly 88 percent of evangelical children are leaving the church shortly after they graduate from high school. Dr. Frank Page, the denomination's new president, says SBC churches need to counter that statistic by finding ways to make themselves more relatable, more pertinent and significant to students before they graduate.

Is being relatable,really the problem. The Bible says
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. 1 John 2:19

Could the problem be that those leaving are leaving because they are not of us? read on and see.

I believe that Jesus taught a concept called true and false conversion. Almost all of the parables show two groups that look a lot alike but one person(group) are Christians, and the other person(group) are not really saved. The Good fish and the bad fish, the wheat and the tares, the good soil and the stony soil, the sheep and the goats, the wise and the foolish virgins, etc..

So, if it possible for someone to appear to be saved and not be saved what do we do? Well first of all I recommend listening to True and False Conversion.

It is also important to understand the myths of what it takes to be saved or means to be saved. I am not suggesting that you can lose your salvation, what I am saying is that some never had it in the first place.

Myths of How to be Saved.

1. Ask Jesus into your heart. Simply asking Jesus into your heart does not save you.
2. Walk down an aisle. This does not save you.
3. Baptism. Does not save you.
4. Church Attendance. Does not save you.
5. Being a good person. Does not save you.

Jesus said unless you repent you will perish. No one is saved where repentance does not accompnay it. If you do not see your sins against God as being serious and bad, you will not repent and turn from them. God commands everyone everywhere to repent.

Jesus said you must beleive in the Son. This belief means you trust Him and what he did. Jesus paid the penalty for your crimes. How can you trust that His work was suitable when you do not even know you have committed crimes against God.

You see a person that asks Jesus into there heart can be saved, but only if they are doing it becasue they are repentant and trust Jesus to pay thier penalty.

If they are asking Jesus into ther heart for better grades, better homes, better marriage, to go along with their friends, to make mom and dad happy, to get attention at the service, they are not saved.

Any gosepl presentation devoid of showing a child(or adult) thier sins against God, will lead to many making false profession, leading to false assurance, leading to condemnation in the end. If you love your children you will never give them assurance, that is the Spirits job. If the doubt send them to the scripture and let them work it out with fear and trembling.

I also recommend buying and reading, "How to Lead Your Child to Christ, and keeping Him there."


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