Stress for all of Us
When stress adds up or even one severe occurrence can lead to behavioral problems. Problems can include lying, sleeping all the time, and even escalate to suicide. I have decided to give you some common stressors. Each one will have a number value. The higher the number the more likely it will cause severe problems, and they are additive.
For example if your child went through a divorce and remarriage of a parent in the last 2 years he would have 126 points. It is possible the child might have recovered from the divorce and the remarriage will not push them over the edge, but the remarriage alone is a major stressors, and it needs to be addressed.
Death of Parent 100
Divorce of Parent 73
separation of Parents 65
Death of close family member 63
Parent's remarriage 50
Suspension or expulsion from school 47
Parents' reconciliation 45
Long vacation 45
Mother's pregnancy 40
Birth of a new baby (adoption) 39
New school, classroom, teacher 39
death(moving away of close friend) 37
Family arguments with grandparents 29
Beginning of school or end of school 26
Family's moving 20
This is just a partial list of those common stressors that can cause your child emotional pain perhaps leading even to depression. This list is more to help you understand where their stress is coming from so you can help them adjust. Next week I will post information on the warning signs to suicide along with facts and where you can go for help.
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