Have you ever noticed, with the exception of identical twins, that no two chldren look exactly alike? Are you aware that even in identical twins, the fingerprints differ? Personality is another chractreistc that is unique to each child. I created this blog to explore those differneces and to help parents learn how to relate with each child in the most effective way.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Copy Cat

Copy Cat
By Ginger Reeves

Have you ever noticed that kids are passionate about the same things their parents are passionate about? I mean what 3 year old really knows the difference between Alabama football and Auburn football? Or the New York Yankees or the New York Mets?

I have a 3 year old who loves to pass out tracts. So much so he has gotten my husband and me off the couch before on a Friday night to go hit the streets witnessing. If he sees tracts is Daddy’s pocket he will ask for some so he can go pass them out.

But it is not just toddler’s. My 9 year old stepson also loves to pass out tracts. He has even practiced open air preaching in the living room, just in case.

Knowing this, why do we as parents watch things with our children that we know are inappropriate for them? Of say things we shouldn’t say, much less in the presence of our children?

They will even mimic the way we treat on anther. If they see a mom and dad who love and respect each other, they will treat mom and dad with love and respect. Plus will treat their future spouse the same way. But if they see parents who belittle one another, or disrespect each other, they will copy that behavior as well.

There is a saying I heard long before I had children and now it makes a lot of sense; “Children will do 505 of what you do right and 150% of what you do wrong”.

We seem to worry so much about what other people think, when we should be worrying more about what our kids think.

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